Arrested after filming Occupy LSX protest which was blocked by Police – Parliament Square – November 5, 2011

Police Notes PDF file – Scribd

One response to “Arrested after filming Occupy LSX protest which was blocked by Police – Parliament Square – November 5, 2011

  1. FYI, there are artists today in Britain who speak agasnit the injustices of today’s world, whether it’s about criminal bankers or illegal wars or the Israeli occupation of Palestine, especially in music (tbf, maybe not through their song, but certainly in interviews and their own activism). People like Robert Del Naja from Massive Attack, Damon Albarn, Billy Bragg, etc. Damon Albarn was an outspoken critic of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, he and Robert Del Naja took out ads in the NME agasnit the Iraq war, Massive Attack refused to play in Israel because of the illegal occupation of Palestine, and MA’s live shows are notorious for the way they use video installations to criticize everything from police brutality, abuse of human rights to extraordinary rendition. Would be really great if you could get Robert Del Naja on KR, it would be really interesting to hear his opinion on current events. Also, will you cover the SOPA story in an upcoming episode of KR? IMO, this is the most dangerous law in Congress today and if passed could lead to widespread censoring of the internet. Thank you.

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